Schmegoogle: n. : a person so insignificant that if you Google his name, nothing comes up.
Schmegoogle: Yiddish Words for Modern Times is a hilariously useful lexicon of neologisms that capture the flavor of life as we live it today.
This clever book introduces more than 200 new terms rooted in real Yiddish, accompanied funny use-it-in-a-sentence examples and entertaining etymology.
Yiddish has long enriched English language slang.
Covers subjects including technology, family, dating, anxiety, insults and more
All terms are a unique blend of classic Yiddish with modern topics
Bothered by that unanswered drift of e-mail piling up ( e-charazi ), stuffed by food or worry ( gifilted ), feeling like the dating app sends in only clowns (a zhlub magnet )? Schmegoogle is here to help.
Hilarious useful Yiddish neologisms for the 21st century
Makes a great gift for Jewish holidays or anyone who loves Jewish humor, as well as language nerds.
Perfect for display on the coffee table to crack open anytime